Senior Portfolio
Story Board
At SIUE in MC 326-001 – Advertising Copywriting & Design. Our project was to create a TV storyboard. My partner on this project was Gerhyrah Grant. She did the copy and the script. She also created a rough sketch of her ideas. I recreated the images on my iPad Pro using Adobe Fresco. My part was to create the storyboard on a mounted 32" x 20" black foam presentation board and prepare the presentation.
The Campaign
This project was to create a campaign about a product of my choice. This provided a challenge because I would need to get to know the product I was working with. I have never used InCopy and it was a learning experience for me. Everything in the campaign was created using my skills in Adobe. All of the photos used in this project were taken by me.
This ad was designed to challenge my creativity skills by having to research a product I was not familiar with. I also chose an audience that was not normally seen for using a baby bottle; and the brand was not typically associated with the male gender.  ​​​​​​​
Dragon Fruit
We had to choose a fruit or vegetable to promote. My choice was dragon fruit from a cacti. The design was of my own creation. The logo and label was created and designed by myself. Everything else was taken from other online sources. 
This was an ad to promote other uses for a product. My partner and I chose WD-40 as our product. It is a truly useful product for many things.
Rolling Stones
This poster was to educate the local public on an event. The Rolling Stones was the band my partner (posing as the client) chose for me. 
Bogey Man
This product was chosen because of it's uniqueness and unsettling nature. This product would be  great around Halloween and would be an ideal time to promote this product. 
M&M Billboard
We were able to pick a candy to advertise on a bill board. My choice was M&M's. This flagship candy would be more of a reminder ad, strategically located close to a convenience store, grocery store, or anyone that carries the M&M product. 
Mass Communication Commercial
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